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by Administrator on 14 September, 2020 No Competitive films 748 Views

Author: Last Piece Films
Genre: Fiction 
Time: 04:48

Ramon is at the park, where his son plays while he speaks with his friend on the phone. At some point he loses the kid. When he finally finds him, he keeps calling him but the kid doesn't answer. Angry, he gets the kid a slap in the back of the neck. The problem is that the kid who gets slapped is not his child, but another one with the same clothes. The angry mother of the kid punches Ramón in the face. All of a sudden, another woman arrives as a peacemaker, but we quickly learn that she's the wife of the other woman, so they end up teaching Ramon a lesson that he'll never forget.

Article source: https://filmacademy.ge/en/Diogenes-2020/No-Competitive-films/108-THE-SLAP.html