0108, თბილისი, ძმები კაკაბაძეების N2 + 995 32 299-60-13, 293-50-97


ავტორი: სანტი გარსია
ჟანრი: მხატვრული
დრო: 10:31

Is it fair that a person be judged for claiming what they have stolen? It is precisely what
What happens to the protagonist of this short film, Jon López (Paco Sagarzazu), a situation
exceptional that demands of the prudent and moderate vision of the law. Jon is forced to
appear before a judge after being reported for harassment precisely by whom
He has occupied his home. The initial idea of ​​the script is based on real events, although the
characters and the plot are fictional.

Article source: https://filmacademy.ge/ge/Diogenes-2020/No-Competitive-films/117-SUB-INGLES.html